Tiny Micro Bikinis
Tiny Micro Bikinis
Bikini got its name from an adventurous and brave little woman fashion designer tired of wearing swimsuits designed by a man. She knew the bang it would make on society would be as big as the little Island undergoing nuclear testing in the South Pacific; but what she probably would not have known is that today it is a multi-billion dollar business.

Women's swimwear can stretch up to 100% in some cases. Typically 75%, but what this really means is that the material will compress the body mass it encloses as it stretches more and more. If you stretch bikini swimwear material beyond its maximum comfort zone then unsightly bulges can result. What this means for most people is that if your hips are 41" then do not order a medium bottom. Order a large. A medium will fit but unless you have very good skin and muscle tone, then those unsightly bulges will probably result.

Tiny Micro Bikinis
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