Tiny Micro Bikinis

Tiny Micro Bikinis
Tiny Micro Bikinis

Tiny Micro Bikini - 4 Ways to Prepare Your Body For Bikini Season
From: http://ezinearticles.com/?Tiny-Micro-Bikini---4-Ways-to-Prepare-Your-Body-For-Bikini-Season&id=1865612

If you're fortunate enough to live in a tropical location year-round, you already know how to get your body in shape to strut your stuff in a tiny micro bikini. However, for the majority of women who are getting ready for bikini season in the summer, or when anticipating a trip to a warm climate and sunshine in the middle of winter, you'll need to make plans at least four to six weeks in advance to get your body in shape.

Tiny Micro Bikinis

Tiny Micro Bikinis

A huge tip before we talk about bikini season preparations for your body is to order catalogs or shop online long before the bikini season begins. Why? It's about supply and demand. When you shop early for your bikini, you're almost always guaranteed to get the style, color, and size you want. If you delay this important shopping strategy, a lot of the most sought-after swimsuits will be gone, and you'll have to settle for what's available.

Here's your four-step preparation guide.

Tiny Micro Bikinis

Tiny Micro Bikinis

1. Since most diet and exercise programs demand that you spend four to six weeks getting in shape, be smart, and begin your body-shaping preparations two months in advance of your trip.

Tiny Micro Bikinis

2. Focus on a daily goal of toning those parts of your body that need the most work. If the skin on your underarms looks saggy, exercise your arm muscles by using three-pound barbell weights. By doing only twenty-five bicep curl repetitions, followed by twenty-five tricep curls, that saggy skin will disappear in about two weeks.

Tiny Micro Bikinis

3. To have firmer buttocks, and to reduce the sagging skin look on your upper thighs, lie on your stomach, stretch out your legs, bend your elbows, and place your hands under chin. Raise and lower your hips off the floor while you lift your shoulders and head at the same time. Then lift your legs as far into the air as possible (one leg at a time), and then slowly lower your legs to the floor. Use a slow and controlled rhythm. Play music that motivates you. When you do this exercise thirty times, twice a day, your buttocks will get in shape in less than three weeks, and you'll look fab in your new bikini.

Tiny Micro Bikinis

4. Get your tummy and abs in shape by doing stomach crunches or by lying on your back and moving your legs in the air as if you were riding a bicycle. The goal is to do as many crunches as you're physically able to handle at one workout. By moving your legs in the air in a circular motion for thirty seconds, try to achieve five repetitions to get the greatest results.

Tiny Micro Bikinis

By following the four strategies above to prepare for bikini season, you shouldn't have any problem proudly wearing that new tiny micro bikini on your trip since your body will look awesome. Don't forget to schedule a spray tanning session three days before your trip to bring out the bronze look that makes any bikini look good on you.

Tiny Micro Bikinis

Tiny Micro Bikinis
Tiny Micro Bikinis
